Just got my 30, wanted one for years, 8 spd, live power, question about gear shift - little pin on left side facing forward, moves in and out - not supposed to ? If it moves out too far, gear shift gets loose. Pulled it out , does not go all way through. How is this supposed to be held in? Pic attached, still some work to do on paint job!
I didn't see your post till just today. I'm not sure what pin you're talking about. The picture you attached didn't come through. I think you mean the interlock pins. I don't think they should move. Mine have a lock wire on the heads of the pins but I never looked close at them. I have an extra shift tower I can look at to be sure. Let me know.
Figured it out, it retains the shift lever in position. One on mine is a bastardized setup, but it works. maybe someday will find proper parts and restore it back to original. Working, that' the main thing/ Thanks