I recently purchase a running gear and folks on another forum suggested that it was manufactured by coop/cockshutt. The running gear came with a lift cylinder. There are no markings in either the running gear or the cylinder. There is residual orange/red paint. I need to replace the wheel rims. The gear had 16" rims with a 5.75 inch bolt circle. This is a non standard bolt circle.
I am having trouble finding replacement rims. Can anyone confirm the manufacture of this gear from the pictures I have attached. Any ideas on where to get replacement rims ? Thanks
Cockshutt wagons were built by the electric wheel company so it could be an election wheel co-op or cockshutt if it is coop or electric wheel it would have a metal tag on the rear right side of gear if it was a cockshutt it wouldn't have been tagged just decaled it is definitely the right wagon but could be either or.